Chase and I are stranded out in Salt Lake City with no reservations. I am shaking I am so mad. There are no mashed potatoes and it's 2:00 o' clock.
My dad is in a drive through attempting his best Spanish to order his cheese and bean burrito from Del Taco as his anxiety starts to settle.
What do these two sentences have in common?
I am aware that this post may come across as if I am a spoiled brat, as it should, because that is exactly what I was on Thanksgiving. Chase and I had the opportunity to go to California with my In-laws but decided to spend Thanksgiving with my parents since they would be all alone. This year was my family's off year, meaning everyone goes to their In-laws and my parents are leaving on a mission next July and I just hated the thought they would be by themselves. So my parents and my family decided we would go to Chuck-a-Rama. I know, I know, you may be thinking ew gross! but the food is good and the price is cheap. So, Chase and I are about 3300 s. when my mom calls to tell me that the line to Chuck-a-Rama is wrapped around the building and she is going to start getting in line. Then I get another phone call as I am at 600 south saying that my dad doesn't want to wait in the car while my mom waited in line so he is going to go through a Del Taco drive through and go home. She then tries to blame my Dad's behavior on his medication since he just had knee surgery but I know him to well and know that he just is too impatient to wait in line. I love him dearly, and I am more like him then not but when it comes to waiting in line he says it is his Achilles heel.
So now Chase and I hurry and pull off in Salt Lake City to find somewhere to eat by ourselves. We went everywhere to find out that it is either a 2 hr wait or you need reservations. I am so mad at this point thinking, "seriously, he couldn't of waiting for 20 minutes and we could of been in California." I eventually called my oldest brother who offered us to come to his in-laws and so we started heading to West Valley. We almost get their house when Chase keeps asking me, "please, let's not go. I feel awkward. I don't know them that well, it's a time to be with family so let them be together...." So, I gave in and by this time we could of been to Chuck-a-Rama and have digested our food. It is now 2 hrs later and we end up at Cracker Barrel in West Valley where we sit down to be promptly told that they are out of mashed potatoes and at this point I just start laughing because there wasn't anything left to do. Chase and I were done arguing over where to go, Jaxon is ready for a nap, and my dad is probably wiping his bean burrito off his face. As I sat there with Chase across the table, I knew I had A LOT to be thankful for and there was no reason to be so upset that I wasn't with my family because as I looked at Chase and then to my left at my baby (who is screaming) I just thought of how blessed I am. I have two healthy boys in my life. I had a car to drive around for 2 hrs looking for a place to eat. I ATE food, where many went hungry. I knew I was being selfish at that point. I am so used to having a HUGE feast at my parents surrounded by all my family who I adore so much and there are so many people out there that don't get to even experience that kind of love once in there life.
After we finished our food and Jaxon ate his own body weight in food :) We decided to go to Bountiful and visit my parents. As we sat on the main entrance floor talking about the days events we just started laughing. This is definitely a story I will tell at my Dad's funereal! My mom and dad felt bad so this last Sunday we had a redo on Thanksgiving dinner. So in the end I got my banana cream pie and mashed potatoes :)
My family's Sunday Thanksgiving was a typical Blaser get together. Lots of food and noise :)
My oldest brother
My cute niece
I promise my voice doesn't normally sound like this... or maybe it does, ahhhh (listen to video below)