Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Something about having my sisters with me just makes me SO happy. Especially since moving to California I have been super lonely. I am so use to being a lot busier with parties, family functions etc and I miss my family more than anything. I feel like this is such a huge chapter in my life and with my parents on a mission in Hawaii, I have been dying to share it with someone in my family. So when I moved into my house my sisters came to help me get settled and to make some decorating decisions. We ended up not doing much house stuff rather than go exploring of the neighboring cities. I also feel like a tourist here so it was fun to see what is right in my back yard.

We went out to eat a lot because I  do not like cooking when pregnant. They helped me decorate my home, we watched a chick flick, shopping, paradise cove where we ran into Orlando Bloom (no biggie) and where I was attacked by a seagull, no lie. I screamed so loud I made a big scene. This dumb bird literally took my meat out of my sandwich which was in my mouth. Nothing like a giant scary bird flapping in your face! All in all I am so glad to call this women my sisters!


  1. You are such a gorgeous girl! Your little belly is just the cutest!

  2. توسع الشعيرات الدموية هو حالة تحدث عندما تتوسع الأوعية الدموية بشكل غير طبيعي، مما يؤدي إلى زيادة تدفق الدم وضغطه على الأنسجة المحيطة. قد يحدث علاج انسداد شرايين الساق في أجزاء مختلفة من الجسم، مثل الأوردة والشرايين والشبكية.


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